Nouvelle bug films

Some of the films from our workshop and their relative festival history. Request a screener at


Simone Fiorentino

ITA, 9′, Machinima


A young man wanders around his bomb-wounded city with his dog and his noseless friend Jean-Michel, while trying to keep his everyday life intact.


46. Drama International Short Film Festival (Academy Awards®, European Film Awards qualifying) 
39. Interfilm Berlin (Academy Awards® qualifying) 
33. Rio de Janeiro International Festival – Curta Cinema (Academy Awards® qualifying)
25. Izmir International Short Film Festival (Academy Awards® qualifying) 
12. IndieCork (BAFTA qualifying) 
39. Videoformes International Festival – Winner Student Award
12. FIDBA – Buenos Aires International Documentary Film Festival 
6. Milan Machinima Festival 
10. Bali International Short Film Festival – Minikino
13. Catania Film Fest
10. Linoleum Contemporary Animation and Media Art Festival 
30. Caminhos Film Festival 
8. The Next Generation Short Film Festival
15. Paris International Animation Film Festival 
36. Girona Film Festival
21. Tallgrass Film Festival
33. International Film Festival Message to Man 
2. Anafi International Film Festival 
29. Filmfest Schleswig-Holstein
9. Digerati Experimental Media Festival 
15. Paris International Animation Film Festival 
30. International Short Film Week Regensburg – 2025


Brett Allen Smith

USA, 9′, Documentary


Recasting his newborn son and dog as himself and his childhood pets, a filmmaker confronts his own false memories through a collage of film, digital and video game footage.



66. DOK Leipzig
19. ZagrebDox International Documentary Film Festival
52. ALCINE Festival de Cine de Alcalá de Henares
18. Millennium Docs Against Gravity
26. Docaviv
3. Interaction Short Doc Festival
33. NorthwestFest International Documentary Festival

A missed call

Francesco Manzato

ITA, 10′, Documentary


I found some Super8s shot by my grandfather, who died before I was born. Deserts, mountain ranges, cities; memories of his travels and testimonies of a world that no longer exists. I imagined an afterlife for him, an otherworldly loop where he can continue to explore and I can get to know him.


42. Bellaria Film Festival – Principi Italiani
28. Kurzfilmtage Winterthur
20. Lago Film Fest
23. Concorto Film Fest
8. DocuBaku Film Festival


Coralie Gourdon

French Polinesia, 16′, Documentary


Online, sleep has become an art form. While a game creator attempts to teach the concept of time to his AI, online gamers fall asleep during seemingly never-ending quests, some livestream their own sleep, and AMSR artists create soundscapes for peaceful slumber. A fascinating observation of the world of cyber-sleep.


55. Visions du Réel International Film Festival Nyon
2. Syncro Film Fest
2. Anafi International Film Festival
5. i-Fest International Film Festival
34. Message to Man International Film Festival
66. ZINEBI Bilbao International Festival of Documentary and Short Films
14. Márgenes Madrid International Film Festival


Celia Caroubi

France, 12′, Documentary


Célia plays an online video game with her sister Anna, who is 12 years old. Things get out of hand when we meet “Alex”, another player, who wants to play Truth or Dare. The dares he gives them become insistent and ambiguous. Célia is getting concerned about how to protect her sister from the dangers that can exist in virtual worlds.


31. Hot Docs Festival
20. Lago Film Fest
47. Kortfilmfestivalen / The Norwegian Short Film Festival
12. Cinefem
30. Caminhos Film Festival
17. This Human World International Human Rights Festival
25. Tricky Women, Tricky Realities


Samuele Leogrande

Italy, 13′, Documentary


Samuel’s soul finds itself in a digital world he does not know. A strange voice from the sky seems to show him the way home.


66. ZINEBI Film Festival
8. NextGeneration Film Festival

J’adore Venise: On disappearing Bodies

Stefano De Alessandri

Italy, 10′, Documentary


Delving into the relationship between Venice as a place and the people who move through it, J’adore Venise focuses on the phenomenon of disappearing bodies that result from both anthropogenic environmental degradation and the pervasive influence of surveillance capitalism.



31. Hot Docs Festival
20. Lago Film Fest
25. re:publica; Offstage Programme, Hamburg
4. INDOCILI – Nuovo cinema giovane 


Silvia Cuconati

Italy, 7′, Documentary


“Passi” (Steps) is a reflection on memories, processed through the virtual reality of a video game and the tangible external reality of old personal vhs. The union of these two elements is elaborated through the structure of a walking simulator, in which walking and exploring represent the very essence of the game. The concept of memory also plays (in games in general) particular roles, as they in fact appropriate memories that do not belong to them. The film attempts to retrace these aspects.



45. Filmmaker Festival – Milan

Night song of a wondering cowboy

Andrea De Fusco

Italy, 12′, Documentary


Night Song of a Wandering Cowboy is a journey beyond the boundaries of the map of ‘Red Dead Redemption 2’, a ‘open-world’ video game with a vast surface area. Exploiting a glitch, I pushed my avatar into territories not meant to be played yet created by the programmers. Here one encounters atmospheres, areas and objects charged with mystery and surreality.



30. Visioni Italiane – Cineteca di Bologna

19. SoleLuna Doc

19. Lago Film Fest

6. Prisma Film Awards – Best sound award

20. Corto Dorico

9. Diametrale Film Festival

4. INDOCILI – Rassegna cinema giovane


Elena Rebeca Carini

Italy, 15′, Documentary


Navigando fra immagini tratte dai videogames, un viaggio nelle testimonianze dei giovani italiani di oggi alle prese con le sfide e le delusioni del mercato del lavoro.

2. Cagliari Essay Film Festival
Streaming on ZALAB View


Niccolò Donatini

Italy, 10′, Documentary


In 2022 a film production shoots a movie in Stromboli, an isle in Sicily (Italy). For one scene special effects light a fire on the mountain. The wind fueled the flames and 49 percent of the entire vegetation burned. To date, no one has compensated the island and its inhabitants.

21. Sedicicorto Film Festival


Olivier Granchier

Canada, 10′, Documentary


A mother gives her son a video call. What do we need to know and what do we choose to believe?


34. Message To Man Film Festival

23. Almeria Western Film Festival


Nagham El-Khoury

UK, 9′, Documentary


An interview with the director’s mother who has been displaced in war from Lebanon. A small insight to her personal experience and how she felt through it and after it.


12. Cyborg Film Festival
11. Riga International Film Festival
5. Immagina Festival
10. DokuBazaar Slovenia


Sebastian Petri

ITA, 7′, Documentary


In video games that offer the choice of being male or female, many players often choose to play characters of the opposite sex. But what is the origin of this phenomena? Through Internet collected content and footage made within video games, Another Paradise seeks to question our concept of the masculine and feminine.


2. Festa del Cinema Pirata